The Spanish Evangelical Lutheran Church (IELE) is a visible church, composed by a group of christians called by a common faith in Christ and joined around the Word and Sacraments. We are a Confessional Lutheran Church in communion with the Confessional Lutheran churches in Europe ELC (European Lutheran Council) and globally with the ILC (International Lutheran Council).
Our mission is to show to the World the joy of the Gospel, trying to live our faith in accordance with the Word of God. We are nourished, strengthened in faith and forgiveness through the means of grace (Word and Sacraments).
As a Confessional Lutheran Church, we adhere unreservedly to the historic confessions of the Lutheran Church, the documents contained in the Book of Concord of 1580, which we recognize as a true and correct statement of the Christian faith, in line with the Holy Scripture. Communion (common union) is based on the understanding we have about Biblical doctrines. This is the foundation of our unity: what we believe, teach and confess.
All of us recognize our sinfulness and our need of forgiveness, so we take refuge by the faith in the mercy and grace of God. We serve under one Lord, Jesus Christ, and our only authority is His Word. And we share a common cause: to proclaim the pure Gospel of the forgiveness of sins.
Please see the “Oficios” tab, in order to get more info about locations and the life of our Church.
Thank you!
In Christ